Generic parameters:
--algorithm value (algorithm/s to use, separate values with ;)
--api-enable (enable statistics API)
--api-port value (port where statistics API is reachable - default 21550)
--api-rig-name value (identifier name for your rig in statistics API)
--api-rig-restart-url value (user defined url which accessed in browser triggers computer restart)
--api-miner-restart-url value (user defined url which accessed in browser triggers miner restart)
--api-rig-shutdown-url value (user defined url which accessed in browser triggers computer shutdown)
--background (run miner in background, without console window)
--bc250 (enable support for AMD BC-250 mining cards [Linux]
--busy-wait-recheck (NVIDIA and INTEL, sets the busy wait recheck value per algorithm, separate values with ; [min 0.01, max 0.99])
--disable-cpu (disable cpu mining)
--disable-gpu (disable gpu mining)
--disable-gpu-amd (disable gpu mining with AMD gpu's)
--disable-gpu-nvidia (disable gpu mining with NVIDIA gpu's)
--disable-gpu-intel (disable gpu mining with INTEL gpu's)
--disable-gpu-dual-kernels (disable usage of optimised dual kernels)
--disable-extranonce-subscribe (don't send mining.extranonce.subscribe to pool)
--disable-worker-watchdog (disable crash detection)
--disable-ptx-check (disable nvidia ptx version check)
--enable-restart-on-rejected (enable miner auto restart on too many rejected shares. Set number with --max-rejected-shares)
--enable-workers-ramp-up (enable GPU workers slow start)
--extended-log (enable more informative logging)
--forced-shutdown (never try to free resources on restart/shutdown)
--give-up-limit value (number of times to try connecting to a pool before switching to the next pool)
--gpu-errors-alert value (notify when number of result validation errors for any GPU reaches this value [def. is 0 - disabled])
--gpu-sensors-disable (disable reading of GPU sensors)
--list-algorithms (list available algorithms)
--list-devices (list available gpu devices)
--log-file filename (enable logging to file)
--log-file-mode value (defines logging mode, 0-2 [def. is 0 - truncate])
--main-pool-reconnect value (time, how often to try to reconnect back to the main pool. def. is 10 minutes, min. is 2 minutes)
--max-no-submit-responses value (max number of no-responses from pool to our submit messages before reconnecting [def. is 10])
--max-no-share-sent value (time, if no share is accepted from the pool for x time, restarts miner [def. is 0 - disabled])
--max-rejected-shares value (max number of allowed rejected shares on a connection. def. is 15 if '--enable-restart-on-rejected' option enabled)
--miner-priority value (main process priority, 1-5 where 5 is highest [def. is 3 - normal])
--proxy value (ip:port or user:password@ip:port of socks5 proxy)
--randomx-use-1gb-pages (Allocate 1GB sized pages)
--reboot-script-gpu-watchdog (filename, if set it turns off built in restart procedure on gpu failure, and instead runs this script)
--retry-time value (time, how much to wait before trying to reconnect to a pool)
--set-compute-mode (sets AMD gpu's to compute mode & disables crossfire - run as admin)
--set-console-title value (sets custom title to miner console window)
--setup (interactive mode to create basic configuration)
--startup-script filename (run custom script on miner start - set clocks, voltage, etc.)
--shutdown-temperature value (if this temperature is reached on any GPU, miner will shutdown system)
--verthash-dat-path value (verthash.dat location, if not using default)
Cpu parameters:
--cpu-threads (number of cpu threads to use for mining, separate values with ';')
--cpu-threads-intensity value (hashes per worker thread, can be 1, 2 or 4. Def. is 1, separate values with ',')
--cpu-threads-priority value (worker thread priority, 1-5 where 5 is highest (def. is 2), separate values with ';')
--cpu-affinity value (thread affinity bitmask, hex or decimal value, separate values with ';')
--cpu-numa-bind value (force binding of CPU worker threads to a specific NUMA node, separate values with ';')
--disable-auto-affinity (disable auto affinity setup)
--disable-cpu-optimisations (use only SSE2 for cpu mining)
--disable-huge-pages (disable usage of huge pages)
--disable-hw-aes (use only soft AES for cpu mining)
--disable-msr-tweaks (disable MSR tweaks(def. is enabled)
--disable-numa-binding (disable auto binding to NUMA node/s)
--force-msr-tweaks (force usage of MSR tweaks
--msr-use-preset value (defines MSR preset to use 0-3)
--msr-use-tweaks value (defines MSR tweaks to use 0-4, | 0 - Intel, 0,1,2,3,4 - AMD |)
Gpu parameters:
--gpu-id value (gpu id/s from --list-devices, separate values with ',')
--gpu-intensity value (gpu intensity, 0-31 or if > 31 it's treated as raw intensity, separate values with ',')
--gpu-extra-config value (additional config for some algorithms, separate values with ',')
--gpu-off-temperature value (gpu turn off temperature, separate values with ',')
--gpu-progpow-mode value (1, 2 or 3. Sets how progpow program is created, separate values with ',')
--gpu-progpow-safe (use this if you get a lot of gpu validation errors on progpow algorithms)
--gpu-table-slow-build (builds DAG/Datatable slower - might help if GPU's are crashing on DAG/Datatable creation)
--gpu-dual-max-loss value (how much loss of A0 hashrate is allowed in auto tune mode for optimized dual mining, in percent [1-95])
--gpu-disable-interleaving (disable interleaving of threads when running more than 2 threads per GPU)
Gpu OC parameters:
--gpu-disable-oc (disable OC functionality)
--gpu-reset-oc (reset default OC values on miner start [NVIDIA only])
--gpu-cclock0 (A0 - set fixed core clock (in MHZ), separate values with ',' [NVIDIA only])
--gpu-mclock0 (A0 - set fixed memory clock (in MHZ), separate values with ',' [NVIDIA only])
--gpu-coffset0 (A0 - set core clock offset (in MHZ), separate values with ',' [NVIDIA only])
--gpu-moffset0 (A0 - set memory clock offset (in MHZ), separate values with ',' [NVIDIA only])
--gpu-plimit0 (A0 - set power management limit (in W), separate values with ',' [NVIDIA only])
--gpu-fan0 (A0 - set fan speed (in %), separate values with ',' [NVIDIA only])
--gpu-cclock1 (A1 - set fixed core clock (in MHZ), separate values with ',' [NVIDIA only])
--gpu-mclock1 (A1 - set fixed memory clock (in MHZ), separate values with ',' [NVIDIA only])
--gpu-coffset1 (A1 - set core clock offset (in MHZ), separate values with ',' [NVIDIA only])
--gpu-moffset1 (A1 - set memory clock offset (in MHZ), separate values with ',' [NVIDIA only])
--gpu-plimit1 (A1 - set power management limit (in W), separate values with ',' [NVIDIA only])
--gpu-fan1 (A1 - set fan speed (in %), separate values with ',' [NVIDIA only])
--zil-cclock (ZIL - set fixed core clock (in MHZ), separate values with ',' [NVIDIA only])
--zil-mclock (ZIL - set fixed memory clock (in MHZ), separate values with ',' [NVIDIA only])
--zil-coffset (ZIL - set core clock offset (in MHZ), separate values with ',' [NVIDIA only])
--zil-moffset (ZIL - set memory clock offset (in MHZ), separate values with ',' [NVIDIA only])
--zil-plimit (ZIL - set power management limit (in W), separate values with ',' [NVIDIA only])
--zil-fan (ZIL - set fan speed (in %), separate values with ',' [NVIDIA only])
--a0-oc-script filename (run script when algorithm 0 becomes active - set OC)
--a1-oc-script filename (run script when algorithm 1 becomes active - set OC)
--zil-oc-script filename (run script when ZIL mining becomes active - set OC)
--oc-delay value (delay in seconds after A0, A1 or ZIL OC was applied. Def. is 3, max is 120)
Pool parameters:
--pool value (pool address:port, separate values with ',')
--wallet value (user wallet address, separate values with ',')
--worker value (worker name or rig id, separate values with ',')
--password value (pool password, separate values with ; and ! [use #; and #! to escape separator characters])
--diff-factor value (custom difficulty multiplier, separate values with ',')
--tls value (use TLS, true or false, separate values with ',')
--esm value (ethash stratum mode [0 (getwork), 1 (ethereumstratum 1.0), 2 (ethereumstratum 1.0 + nicehash)], separate values with ',')
--nicehash value (force nicehash, true or false, separate values with ',')
--job-timeout value (time, if no job received for this period, miner will reconnect. Disabled by default, separate values with ',')
--keepalive value (true or false, not every pool supports this, separate values with ',')
--send-stales value (send stale shares to pool, true or false, separate values with ',')
ZIL mining parameters:
--zil-enable (enable ZIL only mining)
--zil-epoch value (ZIL epoch number. Default is 1)
--zil-pool value (ZIL pool address:port, separate values with ',')
--zil-wallet value (ZIL wallet address, separate values with ',')
--zil-password value (ZIL pool password, separate values with ',')
--zil-esm value (ZIL pool ethereum stratum mode, separate values with ',')
Parameter aliases:
--algorithm -a
--cpu-threads -t
--password -p
--pool -o
--wallet -u
:Parameters that take a TIME value must be set in SECONDS!
Note: If you want to apply different values for GPU's (OC or any other parameter that sets some GPU value), you need to specify the GPU's you are using with '--gpu-id' parameter.
For example:... --gpu-id 0,1,2,3,4 --gpu-intensity 100,200,300,400,500 --gpu-cclock 1300,1400,1500,1600
0 - clear content of existing log file before writing
1 - append to existing log file's end
2 - add datetime stamp to log's name so it creates a new log file on every miner start
Bind CPU worker threads to NUMA node id 1 (second NUMA node) with auto thread selection and affinity mask:
--algorithm ... --pool ... --wallet ... --cpu-numa-bind 1
Bind CPU worker threads to NUMA node id 1 (second NUMA node) with manually set number of threads and affinity mask:
--algorithm ... --pool ... --wallet ... --cpu-threads 8 --cpu-affinity 0x5555 --cpu-numa-bind 1
0 - getwork/ETHPROXY1 - EthereumStratum/1.0.0
2 - EthereumStratum/1.0.0 + nicehash mode
can be used to select from 3 predefined presets (0,1,2) of register values. If not used, preset is auto selected.
If combined with --msr-use-tweaks parameter, you will use values from the defined preset.
1 - Use kernel 1. This kernel uses VRAM for DAG only
2 - Use kernel 2. This kernel uses VRAM for DAG and ~+150-200mb (depends from used intensity)
3 - Use kernel 3. This kernel uses VRAM for DAG and ~+300-500mb (depends from used intensity)
Api has two interfaces : json and gui (over http)
To use it you must enable it first, by using the --api-enable parameter.
Set your rig name with --api-rig-name rig_name.
After you started the miner, you can access the GUI stats in your browser :
Or the json :
There are also three other parameters that can help you to restart miner, reboot or shutdown your machine remotely :
This should be a unique string, which accessed in browser results in a computer restart. Miner needs to have admin privileges.
This should be a unique string, which accessed in browser results in a computer shutdown. Miner needs to have admin privileges.
This should be a unique string, which accessed in browser restarts SRBMiner-MULTI.