--gpu-powerlimit 70 — sets GPU card power consumption.
--gpu-core-clock 1000 — sets core frequency in MHz
--gpu-core-offset 200 — sets the deviation by which the core frequency should be changed in MHz (with - in front of the number — decrease; without it — increase).
--gpu-memory-clock 5000 — sets memory frequency in MHz
--gpu-memory-offset 1000 — sets the deviation by which the memory frequency should be changed in MHz (with - in front of the number — decrease; without it — increase).
--gpu-temp-limit 80 — set temperature in Celsius at which GPU will stop mining (default: 85).
--gpu-temp-resume 70 — set temperature in Celsius at which at which GPU will resume mining (default: 60).
--gpu-fan-speed 70 — set the fan speed in %
If you have multiple settings, put them on a line separated by a space, e.g.:
--gpu-powerlimit 70 --gpu-core-clock 1450 --gpu-memory-offset 1000 --gpu-fan-speed 70
This means: set GPU consumption limit of 70%, fixed core frequency at 1450 MHz, increased memory frequency buy 1000 MHz, set GPU fan speed to 70%.
If you have multiple graphics cards, separate the settings for each one with a comma in the order you have them in Kryptex. Use * to skip GPU:
--gpu-powerlimit 150,130 --gpu-core-clock *,1450 --gpu-memory-offset 1000,1100 --gpu-fan-speed 70,75