-straps 1 — this command is similar to the ETHlargementPill’s action but suitable for all Nvidia 1000 Series GPUs starting with GTX 1060. The intensity is set by 1...6 for Nvidia cards or 1...5 for AMD Vega cards. To apply this command, you might need to reduce the overclocking of your graphics card.
-powlim -25 — sets the GPU power consumption limit in percent, ranging from -75...75
-cclock 1100 — sets the core frequency in MHz. For Nvidia GPUs, set the deviation, for example, -300 or +400.
-cvddc 850 — sets the core voltage in mV. For Nvidia graphics cards sets, the deviation, e.g., -300 or +400
-mclock 5000 — sets the memory frequency in MHz.
-fanmin 50 — sets minimum fan speed in %
-fanmax 80 — sets the maximum fan speed in %
If you need multiple commands, set them in a line, separated by a space, for example:
-straps 1 -powlim -25 -cclock -250 -mclock 5000
This means: applying straps, reducing GPU consumption by 25%, reducing the maximum core frequency by 250 MHz, set the memory frequency to 5000 MHz.
If you have multiple graphics cards, separate the commands for each one with a comma (no spaces) in the order in which they are arranged:
-straps 1,0 -powlim -25,-35 -cclock -250,-200 -mclock 7000,7500